Reviews & TV Advert

Reviews & TV Advert

PES 2014 reviews are flying in from around the web! The PES United review will be later than others due to the game not releasing until the 24th in the states. We will post other reviews of the game on this page as they become available. Things are looking great so far with the game scoring consistently in the 8-9 category. Also check out the official TV advert for the game!

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What's Not In PES 2014

What's Not In PES 2014

Adam Bhatti, the PES European Community Manager, has made a blog post on the WENB forums detailing some features that unfortunately are not going to be included in PES 2014. He's done this in an attempt to get the news to fans earlier rather than later and avoid any surprises upon the games release. The omissions are indeed surprising, but we appreciate his openness and honesty.

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PES 2014 Available Now On PSN!

PES 2014 Available Now On PSN!

In a completely unexpected move, the PES 2014 Demo has come available on the PlayStation Store. This is in contrast to the demo announcement at Gamescom, that it would be released September 11th. Also it seems this is not the newer code that was the cause of the demo delay, but is instead preview code, from which most of the communities negative impressions originated. 


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