PES 2014 Patch Fixes!
/European Community Manager has sent us word on some of the patch fixes that will be coming our way in the near future for PES 2014. Take note, this does not include all the updates.
Manual Control fixes: R2 Shot, first time actions (shot, header etc), yellow bar.
Goalkeepers: Better reactions to initial save.
L1 Lob Shot Fix.
Gameplay slowdown in final 3rd: Change made to make as smooth as possible.
Shooting: Refinements of slowdown to help/have positive impact.
Catch-up refined, feeling of sudden catch-up removed.
BAL player stats decline - fixed.
x2 speed implemented when substituted in BAL.
Gameplan cursor speed - made faster.
User online block list increased <200%.
3 player on same team controller bug - fixed.
Kit fixes:
Barcelona away, Inter Home, Motherwell GK, Almeria - Elche - Villarreal sponsors
There are many more fixes to announce, including online, but these are the fixes currently known and most requested. We will try detail more when possible.
We still do not know exactly when the patch will be available but we hope soon!